Monday, August 19, 2019

Changing Roles of Human Resource Management Essay -- Human Resource Ma

Human Resource profession has faced numerous challenges in the past, which has forced HR managers to try and implement various strategies in the work environment all in the aim of survival and prosperity of the business. The National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM) in India recently organized the 37th annual conference of HRs to discuss the various challenges in the work place and ways of mitigating them. It was unanimously concluded that HR managers needed to revise its roles and create new roles for organizations. The new roles would help in repairing the structural foundation of a company by being proactive and innovative instead of following monotonous routine schedules. Despite the challenges and solutions to the problems that have been suggested, the question still remains, who shall take care of HR managers if they themselves are caretakers and contribute to strengthening the backbone of a company? Culcuttta et al, 2007, suggests that strategies to be implemented should be in tandem with the current trends in globalization, technology, diversity, e-business, and ethics. Furthermore, the need to take care of HR managers goes hand in hand with the saying that â€Å"No company is sick, nor the commodity, but the performing and non performing managers are the ones who matter the most in carrying forward a business successfully.† In the last twenty years there has been a gradual transition in style and substance from personnel management to HR management, and more recently to international HR management. Briscoe et al, (2008, p. 22) believe that the personnel management role lacked strategic relevance because it was mainly an administrative type role whereas the modern concept of HR is much more strategic in scope. Globali... ...alcutta IIM, Sridha, R., Pathak DD., Ganguly S. (Feb. 21, 2007). The statesman. A newspaper published on New Delhi. Retrieved on January 20th 2011 from: Holbenche L. (2009). Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy (2nd ed.). Elsevier Limited. Burlington. Pp. 165-195 Soupata L. (November, 2004). Executive excellence: a case study of UPS. A Journal on Human Resource Management. United States. Vol. 21, Iss. 11; pg. 15, 2 pgs. Retrieved on January 19th, 2011 from: Tsui P.Y. and Lai K.T. (2009). Professional Practices of Human Resource Management in Hong Kong: Linking HRM to organizational success. Hong Kong University Press. Pp. 85-89

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